Make a difference for your guest with automation, digitalization, and efficiency.

Find a reseller near you

Are you ready to elevate your business with automation, or do you want to learn more about our POS systems? Our resellers are ready to assist you in the best possible way.

If you want to know more about unTill or cannot locate a reseller, feel free to contact us here.

Contact us

Free demo

Our resellers often offer a free demo where you can explore all features of our unTill Prime POS system, kitchen and bar screens. 

Schedule an appointment

Perhaps you have some questions after the demo. Our official resellers have years of experience in this field and can answer all your questions and provide additional information during an additional meeting.

Assessment of needs

During this meeting, our reseller will identify your requirements and preferences with you. This helps them better determine which features and preferences are suitable for you. They also discuss with you whether you use other software packages, such as a hotel PMS system. They can assess if this can be integrated with unTill Prime.

Collaboration proposal

We hope you will be happy to work with one of our resellers. If so, they are going to prepare everything for implementation. Before they start installing it, you will first be able to view and test the equipped POS system. This way, you and the reseller will be sure it meets your requirements.

Getting started

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of unTill Prime. Now it is time to set up unTill Prime at your location. You do not have to worry about the implementation because our resellers will take care of that. Before you start using the POS system, a reseller will provide you and your team with instructions on how the system and its features work.

24/7 support

Most of our resellers provide 24/7 support that you can benefit from. So, if something unexpected happens, you can always rely on the support from your reseller.

*the method of operation may differ per reseller

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